This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up
Free Scrap kit by Cartia Creationz
"Bee my honey" Grab HERE
Font of choice
Temp815 by Millie
Plugins Optional:
Tutorial shortcut index:
"Delete" on your keyboard under Insert.
"C/P" copy and paste as new layer.
Remove "O/L" Remove original layer.
"D/S" Drop shadow located in 3D effects.
"R/S" Resize layer located in Image.
New "R/L" Raster layer, in Layers.
"outer glow" Gradient glow from eye candy
Or my method on my blog under "How to dos"
Good D/S settings:
0, 0, 57, 6, color black
Good add noise settings:
Uniform- 70-90 % noise monochrome
Random- 10-34% noise monochrome
I used the artwork of Lia
You can find her artwork Here
The tube i used is Ftu, Find HERE
Open temp, canvas size 620x620
Remore credits and background
R/S element 5 to 80% C/P onto canvas - Rename Beadframe
Drag down below layers 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. Select layer 2
(wordart) and drag it above your bead frame layer
Open tube of choice If you use the one i supplied
You don't need to R/S. If you use the one you have R/S to desired size
C/P onto canvas, I left here exactly where it pasted. Apply drop shadow
Now i want you to drag the wordart above your tube layer
Select and drag layers Copy of raster 9, and raster 10
Once these two are above your tube layer
Drag down kind of below her feet
Select copy raster 9 Using you smudge tool,
Start dragging out some of the text on
Bee-u-tiful to make as if honey is dripping from it
Or you can use the drip filter in eyecandy
This step doesnn't need to look perfect
Once done, apply glass to "girl" wordart, apply D/S to both
Selecting raster 2 (circle wordart) apply outer glow D/S
Also D/S on your beadframe if you haven't already
and on your raster6, which is the black circle on top of frame
Select raster 1, selections all float defloat, Open paper5
C/P onto canvas, selections invert 0 delete, select none
Apply outer glow, i choose black first - then white D/S
Select raster 8, selections all float defloat
Open paper6, C/P onto canvas, selections invert
delete, select none. remove original layer
I went back in and put the tube inside the box
Just how you put the paper layer, Fill the box with the tube
Change blend mode to screen - Apply outer glow on box
I choose black first, then a orangy color - add noise - D/S
Select layer 7, selections all float defloat
Open paper3, C/P onto canvas, selections - invert
delete - select none. remove original layer
Duplicate this layer, Apply Fun house - tile mirror
I don't remember my exact settings, But messing around
And this is the closest i've gotten, X tiles: 19 Y tiles: 10
Once you've got the selection you like using your
Magic wand click the white part of this layer
Add new raster layer - flood fill color of choice
I used an orangy/yellow color - now apply glass
I used default settings but for the glass color i choose white
Using your dodge tool, drag it across the dark glass
This makes the rest of the glass look bright like honey
Open element9 R/S to 40% C/P onto canvas
Drag down besides the tube honey jar
Open element8 - R/S to 40% C/P onto canvas
Also drag down near the honey hive/jar below the wordart
Open element15 (the bees) Choose one using your
Magic wand and cut one of them out
C/P onto canvas - duplicate a few times and
randomly place the bees around your tag
Apply your mask, copyrights, add your name save as a PNG
You're done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
This tutorial was written on May 1st, 2016 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.
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