This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up
Free Scrap kit by Chaos Priestess
"Dark & Tempting" Grab HERE
It's the third kit down
Font of choice
Plugins Optional:
red paw media - beautifier
xero - radiance
Photoeffex - scanlines - color dot
xero - moodlight
xero - moodlight
Tutorial shortcut index:
"Delete" on your keyboard under Insert.
"C/P" copy and paste as new layer.
Remove "O/L" Remove original layer.
"D/S" Drop shadow located in 3D effects.
"R/S" Resize layer located in Image.
New "R/L" Raster layer, in Layers.
"outer glow" Gradient glow from eye candy
Or my method on my blog under "How to dos"
Good D/S settings:
0, 0, 57, 6, color black
Good add noise settings:
Uniform- 70-90 % noise monochrome
Random- 10-34% noise monochrome
I used the artwork of Celinart Pinup
You can find her artwork Here
This tube was bought at her store
which is now no longer up
Open 630x200 canvas size
Open paper2, C/P onto canvas
Open paper3, R/S to 60%, C/P onto canvas
Open element4, C/P onto canvas - deform tool
Swirl up and to the left - drag this to the left
you don't want the staples in the red, duplicate & mirror
Open tube of choice, R/S, C/P onto canvas, drag in the center
Sharpen tube - apply drop shadow - radiance: 128, 50, 128, 43
Apply moodlight default settings but change "original color"
Mine is at 194, but you might need to play around for your tube
Open elements 17 & 18 R/S to 60%, C/P onto your canvas
I went grey to red and alternate until i filled the bottom of canvas
Open element21 R/S to 60%, C/P onto your canvas
Drag off to the left, Magic wand click inside frame
Selections modify- expand by 3. Add new raster layer
Flood fill color of choice, selections none. - drag below frame
I put close up tube of choice inside this frame.
Opacity to 70% tube on greyscale thru hue/sat- colorize
Applied scanlines on tube layer, default settings
Do this same step for the other side of your set
Open element3 R/S to 30%, C/P onto canvas drag where you want
I used dodge tool to bright the red on the heart more, D/S
Duplicate this and mirror matching the other side
Open element19 R/S to 40%, C/P onto canvas
Drag up near the left hand corner, Dodge tool to bright up the red heart
Duplicate this element and mirror, put drop shadow on both
Open element13 R/S to 40% C/P onto canvas using deform tool
swirl up and to the light alittle making it diagonal - dodge tool again
brighten up the key up - sharpen and D/S - Duplicate & mirror
Selecting your red paper layer - open tube of choice
C/P onto canvas using move tool drag inside the fence
Once you got it where you'd like. change blend mode to screen
greyscale tube - adjust- hue/sat-colorize - sat dial set to 0
Opacity at 66% - - color dot settings: 49, 4, 255, 255, 255
I applied twice - do the same to the other side of your forumset
I also added radiance settings used above
Merge all i applied RPM - Beautifier to my whole tag, settings:
50, 75, 21, 100, black/white unclicked and red channel should be
Apply a outer frame to your forumset, i used photo frame
Make your Avatar, add copyrights, add your name save as a PNG
You're done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
This tutorial was written on May 12th, 2016 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.
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