This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up
Paid Scrap kit by Happy Pumpkin Studio
"Cherry Babe" Purchase at ArthurCrowe'sFactory
Font of choice
DBV 113 Here
I saved the exact box i made in tutorial
You can grab HERE Please don't claim as your own
If you use in another tutorial link back to this one thanks
Plugins Optional: - color dot
PhotoEffex - scanlines
Redpaw media - beautifier
xero - radiance
Tutorial shortcut index:
"Delete" on your keyboard under Insert.
"C/P" copy and paste as new layer.
Remove "O/L" Remove original layer.
"D/S" Drop shadow located in 3D effects.
"R/S" Resize layer located in Image.
New "R/L" Raster layer, in Layers.
"outer glow" Gradient glow from eye candy
Or my method on my blog under "How to dos"
Good D/S settings:
0, 0, 57, 6, color black
Good add noise settings:
Uniform- 70-90 % noise monochrome
Random- 10-34% noise monochrome
I used the artwork of Arthur Crowe
You can find his artwork Here
The tube i used can be found Here
Open your preset tool "rectangle" settings:
default, but i changed width to 10.00. Select your color
in your foreground palette, and close out background
Drag out alittle square/rectangle. Once happy convert to raster layer
I wanted a box at every corner. So duplicate mirror
Then duplicate that one and flip, Duplicate that one and mirror
You should now have your boxes set (or arrange them where you want)
Duplicate once more, Using your deform tool give a swirl up and to the left
Drag off to the side inbetween your other boxes, duplicate then mirror
Click on your boxs I went ahead and merged to two boxes on left
then the two on the right, then merged only the middle boxes together too
Click inside box selections - mofidy - expand by 4. Open paper 7
R/S to 60%, C/P onto canvas - drag paper inside box. selections - invert
delete, select none. drag below boxes if you havent already
I did the same for the other side. Apply white glow on the boxes
I then applied add noise then drop shadows
Select your middle side boxes, make sure these are above the others
Click inside boxes with magic wand. Selections - modify expand by 4
Add a new raster layer, pick color of choice, i choose a redish.
Add another raster layer flood fill another color matching the kit
Select the color you want to remove, Using your select tool going down
the middle as even as you can, hit delete on your keyboard.
Do the same for the other side. i alternated the colors
Hide all layers besides your split color layers, Merge - Unhide
Open tube of choice. R/S to what you want, C/P onto canvas
Placed her in the middle. Open element 29, R/S to 40%
C/P onto canvas i placed by her legs to cover it up
Then apply radiance and drop shadow, settings of choice
I went back to my middle boxes, i put tube inside each frame
Blend mode to overlay, i applied two different plugins
PhotoEffex - scanlines on the red part, and color dot on the green part
I used default settings on scanlines. Color dot settings:
Everything default, but value 37, and distance set to 6
I used the selection tool to select only one side of the colors
I applied the matching colors as an outglow as well.
I went back on all my black box frames and added bevel of choice
Now it's element time
Elements i used and the resized %
Using this drop shadow: 0, 0, 44, 7, color black
ELEMENT48 - 20%
ELEMENT24 - 25%
ELEMENT3 - 20%
ELEMENT43 - 25%
ELEMENT4 - 15%
ELEMENT25 - 25%
ELEMENT12 -12%
ELEMENT11 - 15%
ELEMENT49 - 25%
ELEMENT10 - 15%
ELEMENT36 - 30%
place elements where you want, or use my tag as a guide.
Apply your mask, copyrights, add your name save as a PNG
I applied beautifier to the whole tag, settings of choice
I used paper 8 for my mask
You're done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
This tutorial was written on June 14th, 2016 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.
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