Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ftu - Denim Diva

This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.


Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up

Free Scrap kit by Polka Dot Scraps
"Lonesome" Grab HERE
It's the very last kit on the page

Font(s) of choice
Adagio Pro

Plugins Optional:
red paw media - beautifier
Xero - moodlight

Tutorial shortcut index:
"Delete" on your keyboard under Insert.
"C/P" copy and paste as new layer.
Remove "O/L" Remove original layer.
"D/S" Drop shadow located in 3D effects.
"R/S" Resize layer located in Image.
New "R/L" Raster layer, in Layers.
"outer glow" Gradient glow from eye candy
Or my method on my blog under "How to dos"

Good D/S settings:
0, 0, 57, 6, color black

Good add noise settings:
Uniform- 70-90 % noise monochrome
Random- 10-34% noise monochrome

I used the artwork of VeryMany
You can find her artwork  Here 
Tube i used was a Freebie, Here

Open frame 6, open canvas size to 620x620
Open tube R/S to 50% C/P onto canvas. Apply D/S to both
On your tube layer apply xero - moodlight. settings:
Everything set to default but change original color to 203

Using magic wand click inside frame. selections all
float defloat, modify - expand by 5, Open paper 14
R/S to 60%, C/P onto canvas, selections invert delete select none
Drag below frame. I used paper 14 for the middle frame
And i used paper 11 for the two on the end
Also resizing that paper down to 60%

Now select inside of your middle frame
selections all float defloat. Open up tube again
Main tube but bigger size, C/P onto canvas
drag inside frame where you'd like. selections - invert
delete. select none, drag below frame layer

I changed tube layer to greyscale. blend mode to overlay

Open element33, R/S to 80% C/P onto canvas
placed on top of the frame. behind your tube

Open element1, R/S to 40% C/P onto your canvas
drag in the bottom left corner behind your tube layer
Open element30, R/S to 40% C/P onto your canvas
also drag to bottom left corner, using deform tool to tilt it 
i also made the width smaller with same tool. apply D/S

Open element43, R/S to 30% C/P onto canvas drag near your paper
Duplicate and build two flowers along the side of the envelope

Open element39, R/S to 30% C/P onto canvas drag behind envelope
Near the top of the envelope, duplicate and place another flower
Open element8, R/S to 30% C/P onto canvas, place in the middle
between both light blue flowers, behind envelope. apply D/S

Get your text tool out. and type out denim diva, using text tool 
swirl it up and to the left.  I used font Bellerose
Type out one line.  I duplicated the font until i filled the paper

Open element45, R/S to 60% C/P onto canvas
Select your last layer before doing this
Duplicate many times you want to fill around your tag
I also sharpened before i started duplicating

Open element3, R/S to 50% C/P onto canvas
place inside each side of your frames. duplicate twice on each side

Open element9, R/S to 40% C/P onto canvas
drag to her high heel and if it's handing off her heel
zoom in to erase any parts of the locket that you need too

Add your copyrights,  add your name save as a PNG
Add beautifier to the whole tag, settings of choice

You're done!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.

This tutorial was written on August 11th, 2016 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.

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