This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version.
I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up
Awesome cluster frame by
Sarah at PimpMyTags, You need
to scroll down alot, but there is lots
of amazing freebies to collect
while you look for the one i used lol.
Fonts of choice
beach elements of choice.
Plugins needed are Optional:
I am using the artwork of Elias Chatzoudis
You buy his tubes here PTE
Quick and easy tutorial.
let's open up the already made cluster, resized to about 80% i think, i added my tube resized it down too i can't remember place where you want it in front of the frame, i then used my magic wand and clicked on the inside of the cluster on the water, keep clicking since the water is different shades, clicked enough so you can copy and paste my tube inside the selective ants, then selections >invert>delete. select none. mess with your blend mode settings and lower opacity. i added my own sand all around the cluster drag below your cluster layer. also added the sea weed, bubbles, star fish and a shell. If you got the tube i used the little crab is also made by elias i placed him on top of the bunched up shells connected to the cluster, give your added on elements, tube, cluster, and crab all drop down shadows. add your copyrights, add your name and save as a png and you’re done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
Now lets see those results,
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial!
This tutorial was written on April 15th 2011 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.
LOVE this tut!!!! awesome job, and thanks so much for using my freebie!!!! :)