Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ptu now Ftu - Beautiful Fall

 This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.


Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up

Ptu now Ftu Scrap kit by Polkadot Scraps
 "Fall Days" HERE
3rd scrapkit down

font of choice

Plugins Optional:

xero - radiance - color dot

Code Word: When ever i say "delete" You
are selecting delete on your keyboard under insert.

I am using the art of Martin Abel
You can find his work Here 
Find tube i used Here

*easy working with  layers*

Let's your double polaroid picture frames. canvas size 600x600 using your magic wand. click the inside of bth frames. selections- modify- expand by 8. choosing paper of choice. i used paper 11. i resized it down a little bit. copy paste on your canvas. selections- invert-delete. select none. drag below your frame layer.

Opening your tube/close up of choice. Using your magic wand again, while frames are selected click the inside, selections- modify-expand by 8 copying your close up tube of choice. paste on your canvas using your mover tol to drag tube where you want it to go inside the marching ants. once you've got it, selections- invert-delete, select none. drag your tubes below frame layer. above paper. change blend mode to soft light. depending on your liking. i then went to  Adjust- hue and saturation- colorize both dials set at zero.

Now while both tube layers are selected inside your frame. add a radiance and color dot settings of choice. now add a slighty drop shadow to the frame and merge all of these layers together. Now it's time to add your main tube. I placed my tube on one side of the frame. her elbow fit perfect on the side like she was standing inside of the frame. i had to erase some of the tube to get this sort of effect.

Adding slight radiance and drop shadow to your main tube.. Now it's time to add the elements. I used the wordart that came with the kit "Beautiful" , owl 1, acorn, flower 4, frame 4, leaves 1, paper 11, ricrac, scattered leaves 3 and 4, resize these elements down to where you like them placing them where you want, or using my tag as a guide.

Now add your copyrights, add your name and save as a png and  you’re done!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
Now lets see those results.

Ptu now Ftu 2/26/2017
This tutorial was written on November 18th, 2013 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.

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