Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ptu now Ftu - Poisonous Witch

This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.


Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up

Ptu nor Ftu kit by Polkadot Scraps
 "Witch Girl" Here

Last kit on page


font of choice

Plugins Optional:

xero - radiance - color dot

Code Word: When ever i say "delete" You
are selecting delete on your keyboard under insert.

I am using the art of Alex Prihodki
You can find his work Here

Tube i used is Here

*easy working with  layers*

Let's your diamond frame 3. i resized down to 50% image-canvas size set to 600x600. i then used my mover tool and dragged the frame on the upper left side. duplicated and dragged the other frame down diagonal bottom right side. merge together. using your magic wand click on the inside of each frame circle- selections- modify- expand by 8. open the paper of your choice. i choose paper 7. copy paste on your canvas, selections- invert-delete. select none. drag below your frame layer.

Now it's time to open your close up tube of choice, switching back to your diamond frame layer. using your magic wand again click inside of the frame. selections- modify- expand by 8. Now selecting it copy and paste onto your canvas, using your mover tool drag where you want inside the marching ants, then selections- invert-delete. select none. drag below your frame layer. changing blend mode to screen.  Adjust-hue and saturation- colorize  both dials set at zero. adding slight radiance, and color dot. settings of choice. adding slight drop shadow to your frame layer and now merging all together.

Now it's time to add your main tube. resize down add your plugins, drop shadow. i placed hr in the center. erasing some of her skirt. now it's time to add your elements. I used the cat, spider web, spider, green bow, witch hat, moon, purple flower, cauldron, canelabra, frame 3, paper 7 and 3 and potion, resize these down, place them where you like or use my tag as a guide.

Now add your mask,  copyrights, add your name and save as a png and  you’re done!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
Now lets see those results.


Ptu now Ftu 2/26/2017
This tutorial was written on November 18th, 2013 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.

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