Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ftu - Irish Hottie

This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and can be used with any other version. I assume that you have a working knowledge of PSP.


Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice/close up

Free Scrap kit by Dee
"St. Patrick" Grab HERE

Font of choice

PresetShape HERE
If this is yours, or you know where
It came from please let me know
So i can give proper credit

Plugins Optional:
red paw media - beautifier
xero - radiance
Photoeffex - scanlines

Tutorial shortcut index:
"Delete" on your keyboard under Insert.
"C/P" copy and paste as new layer.
Remove "O/L" Remove original layer.
"D/S" Drop shadow located in 3D effects.
"R/S" Resize layer located in Image.
New "R/L" Raster layer, in Layers.
"outer glow" Gradient glow from eye candy
Or my method on my blog under "How to dos"

Good D/S settings:
0, 0, 57, 6, color black

Good add noise settings:
Uniform- 70-90 % noise monochrome
Random- 10-34% noise monochrome

I used the artwork of TheHunter
You can find his artwork Here

Open frame4, R/S 80, canvas size 600x600 Open frame1, R/S to 80%, 
C/P onto canvas Go back to frame, unresize, then R/S to 90%
C/P onto canvas, drag below both frames

Go back to the first frame, Duplicate - flip. now on each frame
erase the "white-ish" part of the frame on top, then bottom
I just wanted mine all "green" - hide clover frames - merge

On your merged frame - apply a inner bevel of choice
While on this frame - selections all float defloat, modify -
expand by2  Add new raster layer, select a gold color of choice, 
or use this #eaa200 Flood fill - selection none, drag below
frame layer apply noise settings of choice - then drop shadow

Select merged frame once again, click inside using magic wand
selections - modify - expand by 5, open pp3 R/S 60%
C/P onto canvas, selections - invert - delete. select none, drag below

Open tube of choice R/S if you need too
C/P onto canvas, place in the center, duplicate tube, drag 
original below the first clover frame, and the main frame
Back on the copy erase the bottom tube

I turned my tube greyscale, i then zoomed in
colorize her eye and lips green - #4aa433
Apply radiance - 128, 50, 128, 49 - OK
Apply to both of your tubes layers - D/S on both

Using Preset shape called "Wiel" not sure if this came with PSP or not
If you don't have this shape, you can skip this step - or use a similar one
Foreground green - #4aa433, background set to null

Drag out the circle as big as your clover frame, convert to raster
Magic wand - click inside the outer frame (not inside the tear drops) 
Open PP11, C/P onto canvas - selections invert- delete, select none
drag below your preset shape. Now you can see the other paper inside
the tear drops.. Apply add noise to the preset itself, then apply D/S

(make sure to drag these layers below the front clover frame
Select two tear drops you want, i choose the ones on either side of her
Selections float defloat - modify - expand by 7 (if you apply D/S you need
to get past the drop shadow layer to reach the tear drop)

Add new raster layer, flood fill the green we've been using.
Select none - drag below preset frame. I then added the tube inside these
blend mode set to - screen - turned these tubes greyscale
applied scanlines settings- 1, 2, 20, 10, 0, 0  -APPLY

Now it's element time

Elements i used and the resized %
Using this drop shadow: 0, 0, 43, 7, color black
ELE6 - 50%
ELE1 - 30%
ELE7 - 30%
ELE30 - 60%
ELE8 - 30%
ELE5 - 25%
ELE28 - 30%
ELE9 - 30%
ELE31 - 20%
ELE29 - 20%

Apply your mask, copyrights,  add your name save as a PNG
You're done!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.

This tutorial was written on February 27th, 2016 by Melissa.
In no way may this tutorial be copied to another
website without the creators permission. Any resemblance
to this tutorial is purely coincidental.

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